
We are developing the product in three phases were,

  • Provide doctors with a software aid that reports a probability of DVT vulnerability based on a patient's medical history using deep learning technologies (Phase 1).

  • Data-driven analysis of ultrasound images and videos to accurately detect and segment out blood clots leading to DVT/PE (Phase 2).

  • Full cardio-vascular simulations of specific patients to probabilistically track the clot’s likely progress within the human body, in order to aid doctor’s diagnostics (Phase 3).


  • To achieve a demonstrable reduction in the incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), and in the severity of its effects, such as pulmonary embolism (PE), once it has occurred.


  • Combine state-of-the-art computational, simulation, and machine-learning technologies in DVT/PE avoidance and mitigation strategies.

  • Reduce the incidence of misdiagnosis of DVT/PE (false positives and negatives) by using improved data processing methods and image analysis techniques.

  • Broaden the accessibility of the results to a wider range of stakeholders, including those without specialist knowledge.