Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a silent killer with more than one million reported fatalities worldwide in 2017. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought new attention to the disease. The condition starts with a small clot in a person’s leg with minimal to no manifestations in the beginning. Often, symptoms go undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or completely unnoticed leading to the clot moving up to block an artery leading to the lungs. This condition, called pulmonary embolism, can result in sudden death, as well as a host of other serious symptoms. DVT is a curable disease if detected early. Late detection leads to thousands of dollars in therapy and even more for surgical cures. There is an unmet need in the market for early automated detection and tracking of DVT. In multiple cases, the progression of DVT is not properly tracked. Often, tracking the progression accurately can save thousands of dollars in patient expenditure. All in all, there is a market for technology that can predict DVT vulnerability, track progression, and provide automated checks for time-to-time patient care.

At deepVein Inc. (started in 2019, Fremont, CA), we develop and deliver predictive DVT/PE technologies that provide end-to-end software tools for the detection, prediction, and tracking of DVT/PE using data-driven (Artificial Intelligence and deep learning technologies) and high-fidelity physics-based advanced modeling and simulation technologies. The delivery is completely through APIs, backed by cloud computing and easy-to-use on-demand interfaces. APIs can be embedded into existing medical hardware or software, increasing the multitude of possibilities for in-situ analysis.